News / Game Update
Features a preview of the new journal.

Journal Update!

Post by byKotney

Mon, Aug 16, 2021

Happy update day, friends!! Some of you have already played with the new Journal update in our Test Lab, and we’re so excited to bring it to you to Adopt Me! 📓

The Journal update will be an important addition for players who focus on the collection aspect of the game - you will be able to check your current collection, what’s still missing, and the origin of the items!

Here’s everything you need to know about the new Journal app! 📔

  • The Family button has been moved down and replaced with the new Journal button!
  • On release, the Journal has the following categories: Pets, Food, Gifts, Pet Accessories, Strollers, Toys and Transport 🚗
  • In the Pet category, you can learn more about the Pet you’ve adopted - like the adoption date, and more! 🐕 (NOTE: Unfortunately, we don't have the pets obtaining history, so all pets adopted before the Journal release will say they were adopted on the 16th of August!)
  • You can now check the Neon and Mega Neon variants for each pet in the Journal, even if you don’t own the pet! ✨
  • Non-pet categories are currently sorted by rarities only - we’ll likely add more options in the future!

We're so excited to share this Journal with you! We'll keep working on it, and adding more categories & useful functions, so please make sure to tell us what you think by tagging us @ PlayAdoptMe on all social media platforms!

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