Happy update day, friends!! IT’S THE FINAL WEEK OF HALLOWEeEEeEEN 👻 Spooky scenery and darkness engulfed Adoption Island at the start of this month, but it’s finally KNIGHT TIME! The Mule pet with Side Baskets accessory made its way in with the Jousting and Undead Jousting Horses galloping in beside them, are you on the side of good or evil? 🧟
The last batch of Halloween wallpapers and coloring pages is here! Get creative and share your finished pieces with the hashtag #ColorAdoptMe on Twitter or Instagram with your Roblox username - we'll choose 15 people from each platform to win an Undead Jousting Horse and FR potions! You have until Tuesday, November 1st 🐴☠️🐴
Happy coloring! 🎨 (click the thumbnail to download HD versions)