News / Game Update
Astronaut Gorilla caught a golden star!

πŸŽͺ Gorilla Fairground Update Notes, Key Art, and Bug Fixes! πŸŽͺ

Post by byKotney

Thu, Mar 16, 2023

Happy update day! Today, the much-awaited Fairground tent comes back to Adopt Me - this time, running the show are Gorillas 🦍

Each Gorilla Box (600 Bucks) contains a Gorilla and two themed items - toys, vehicles, pet wear, or the Gorilla Ingredients. Players have a 10% chance to get an Albino Gorilla opening a Premium Gorilla Box (195 Robux).

🦍 Gorilla - Rare - 100% Gorilla Box / 90% Premium Gorilla Box
🀍 Albino Gorilla - Legendary - 10% Premium Gorilla Box
When opened from the Premium Gorilla Box, the Albino Gorilla comes with its own Bowtie, Walking Cane, and Top Hat.

You’ve opened your first Gorilla box. Now, how do you craft your themed Gorilla?

You’ll need: 1x Gorilla and 3x themed Gorilla ingredients (Note: this won’t work with Albino Gorillas!).

  1. Open your Gorilla and Premium Gorilla boxes!
  2. Collect 3 of the same ingredient toys of your choice.
  3. Equip the Gorilla pet you want to change.
  4. Talk to the Gorilla NPCs in the Fairground to select which type of Gorilla you want.
  5. Keep going until you’re out of Ingredients!

πŸ₯‹ Karate Gorilla - Ultra rare
Sai Ingredient - Rare - 15% Gorilla Box / 30% Premium Gorilla Box

πŸ”ͺ Chef Gorilla - Ultra rare
Rolling Pin Ingredient - Rare - 15% Gorilla Box / 30% Premium Gorilla Box

πŸŒ‘ Astronaut Gorilla - Legendary
Star Ingredient - Ultra rare - 10% Gorilla Box / 20% Premium Gorilla Box

πŸ‘‘ Emperor Gorilla - Legendary
Golden Goblet Ingredient - Legendary - 5% Premium Gorilla Box

πŸŽͺ Fairground Pogo - Common - 45% / 0% Premium Gorilla Box
πŸŽͺ Banana Chew Toy - Common 45% / 0% Premium Gorilla Box
πŸŽͺ Banana Leaf Balloon - Uncommon 30% Gorilla Box / 45% Premium Gorilla Box
πŸŽͺ Toy Drum Flying Disc - Uncommon 30% Gorilla Box / 45% Premium Gorilla Box
πŸŽͺ Circus Ball Unicycle - Uncommon 30% Gorilla Box / 45% Premium Gorilla Box
πŸŽͺ Banana Tree Pogo Stick - Rare 15% Gorilla Box / 30% Premium Gorilla Box
πŸŽͺ Carousel Propeller - Ultra Rare 10% Gorilla Box / 20% Premium Gorilla Box
πŸŽͺ Bumper Car - Ultra Rare - 10% Gorilla Box / 20% Premium Gorilla Box

We also released several bug fixes with today’s update!
πŸ› Fixed a bug that caused pets to fall through vehicles and stay on the ground when interacting with the seat.
πŸ› Fixed a bug that caused journal sections to display the year twice when using specific filters.
🐞 Fixed a visual bug that caused equipping a second pet while on the Galleon vehicle to duplicate the equipped pet. This was only a visual bug and did not impact gameplay.
πŸ› Fixed a bug that caused the Camper’s Sparkler toy to display an old visual effect.
🐞 Fixed a bug that caused the Orchid Racer to shake while driven by a baby.
πŸ› Fixed a gap in the Yellow-lipped Sea Krait’s head during Tricks.
🐞 Fixed a bug where the Yellow-lipped Sea Krait was not centered in the Dress Your Pets menu.
πŸ› Fixed a bug where backpack pet accessories would sink to the ground when equipped on the Yellow-lipped Sea Krait.
🐞 Fixed a bug that caused the Cure-All-Potion not to work when used by a Baby with ailments.
πŸ› Added Pool Party to the rotation of pet and baby needs.
🐞 Re-added the trampoline to the outside of the Sky Castle. We don’t know where it went.

We love seeing your creativity through our Coloring Pages! 🎨
Post your finished coloring pages on Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag #ColorAdoptMe for a chance to win an Emperor Gorilla and FR potions! Don't forget to include your Roblox usernames in the post, or your entry will be disqualified. Winners will be chosen Tuesday, March 20th. 🦍πŸŽͺ













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