News / Game Update
Royal Capuchin Monkey, Princess Capuchin Monkey and Pirate Ghost Capuchin Monkey welcome you to the Traveling Capuchin Fairground update in Adopt Me!

πŸŽͺ Capuchin Fairground! πŸŽͺ

Post by byKotney

Fri, Apr 05, 2024

Happy update day! The traveling fair is back on Adoption Island over the next two weeks with the Capuchin Fairground! Meet Ringmaster Reggie and adopt 6 new Capuchin pets representing the Compass, Tutu, Toy Handcuffs, and Sunglasses ingredients! πŸ’πŸ‘‘

Open the Standard or Premium Capuchin Boxes and find the Capuchin Toys needed to transform your Capuchin Monkeys! Each box contains 2 items 🎁

πŸ™Š Capuchin Monkey - 300 Bucks - Rare

πŸŽͺ Standard Capuchin Box - 300 Bucks - Rare πŸŽͺ Premium Capuchin Box - 100 Robux - Legendary

Standard Capuchin Box drop chances:
Common - 45%
Uncommon - 30%
Rare - 15%
Ultra-Rare - 9.5%
Legendary - 0.5%

Premium Capuchin Box drop chances:
Common - 0%
Uncommon - 0%
Rare - 50%
Ultra-Rare - 40%
Legendary - 10%

After opening the Capuchin Boxes, players can adopt the Capuchin Monkey, which can be traded in for one of the special variants by talking to the corresponding NPC. πŸŽͺ

πŸ€“ Preppy Capuchin Monkey - Ultra-Rare - Requires 3 Sunglasses
🐡 Inmate Capuchin Monkey - Ultra-Rare - Requires 3 Toy Handcuffs
πŸ‘‘ Princess Capuchin Monkey - Legendary - Requires 3 Tutus
πŸ‘» Pirate Ghost Capuchin Monkey - Legendary - Requires 3 Compasses

🀍 Royal Capuchin Monkey - Legendary - 0.5% chance from Standard Box / 10% chance from Premium Box

😎 Sunglasses - Rare - 15% / 50% chance
β›“ Toy Handcuffs - Rare - 15% / 50% chance
🩰 Tutu - Ultra-Rare - 9.5% / 40% chance
🧭 Compass - Legendary - 0.5% / 10% chance

Capuchin Boxes also contain several fairground-themed toys:

πŸ₯œ Peanut Friend Chewtoy - Common - 45% / 0% chance
🌭 Hotdog Pogo Stick - Common - 45% / 0% chance
🎩 Tophat Flying Disc - Uncommon - 30% / 0% chance
πŸ₯œ Peanut Balloon - Uncommon - 30% / 0% chance
πŸŽͺ Circus Ball Skates - Uncommon - 30% / 0% chance
🌴 Whip Grappling Hook - Rare - 15% / 50% chance
πŸ”₯ Fire Ring Propeller - Ultra-Rare - 9.5% / 40% chance
🎈 Hot Air Balloon - Ultra-Rare - 9.5% / 40% chance

Capuchin variants come with special Pet Accessories that can be removed and put on another pet! πŸ¦„

πŸ‘•Preppy Sweater - Uncommon
πŸ‘  Princess Booties - Uncommon
🀠 Inmate Cap - Uncommon
πŸ“Ώ Ship Wheel Necklace - Uncommon
πŸ‘‘ Royal Capuchin Cape - Uncommon
πŸ‘‘ Royal Capuchin Saber Pin - Uncommon
πŸ‘‘ Royal Capuchin Crown - Uncommon

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