News / development update
A bunch of pets on top of adopt me logo with text about schedule changes.

Adopt Me moves to a flexible update schedule from weekly Friday update — Adopt Me! on Roblox

Post by byKotney

Thu, Apr 30, 2020

Hey everyone! Let’s just get right to it: **Adopt Me will no longer update on Friday evenings. **This may seem like a shock to some of you, who have been playing the weekly updates for a whopping 56 weeks, but this is a decision we spent a lot of time considering, and we’re confident this will be a good change for our game, our studio, and our community. If you’d like to know why we made this decision, and what it means for the weekly updates, please read on, or watch the video above.

So, why move to a flexible schedule, rather than continue updating every Friday? Excellent question!

There are a number of reasons why we decided to change our update schedule, but the main being the wellbeing of our Team, the Developers who work on the updates, and our players. Right now, a lot of the final touches on each update happen on the Friday of the update release, which puts a lot of pressure on the people who bring you those updates. Because of that, to enjoy our newly released update, a lot of you have to stay up late, depending on where you are in the world. It also has an impact on our Influencers, who wait for hours on end to cover the updates as soon as they’re live. With this new change, you will know exactly when the updates go live.

**This doesn’t mean that you will have to wait a long time between updates. **As our team grows, there will be more people working on new features, and more people working on improving some of the current ones. We will have the time needed to work on more long-term projects, and work on fixing any known issues, making the gameplay better and smoother, and overall creating a more joyful experience in Adopt Me. We also want to make sure that the updates we share with you provide more than just a weekend’s worth of entertainment, so that you don’t have to wait for another Friday to have something fun and exciting to do.

This Friday you won't see a new game icon, or a new update in the game; that's because we're working on some really exciting Adopt Me updates for you to enjoy soon, and some to come in the future. We already announced that there's a new pet coming, and don't worry - we're still working on that! But we're making sure we're putting as much time and love into it as it needs to become your new favourite.

Thank you for reading this, and we hope you understand that this is a good change. We want to be able to take the time needed to make Adopt Me! the best game it can be for our community, and this is the right step in that direction.

Stay safe everyone, The Adopt Me Team

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